Opening Gallery
- Open gallery
- You can see the work on the following schedule. We look forward to seeing you there.
* Appointment is not required.
- Open gallery
- 2022.11.3 THU - 11.13 SUN12:00 - 18:00
- Adress
- 東京都渋谷区神宮前3-36-26
※ 参观时,请务必戴上口罩。 请使用入口处提供的酒精消毒剂消毒双手。 工作人员将戴上口罩为䓟服务。
- Gallery Direction
- Nobuhiko Akiyoshi
- Contributors
Yusuke Shiki
Roca Onishi
Masakado Nishibayashi
Yuko Mori
Shoko Akiyoshi